Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday, Feb, 23, 2020

We have continued to work on different jump rope skills. Grade 1 students have been working on individual forward and backwards skipping and they were challenged to try some new tricks like skipping on one foot. Grade 2-5 students have been working on individual, partner and long rope skills.

Jump Rope for Heart
Please return any donations in the envelope provided by Wednesday, Feb. 26. Thank you!

Soft entry gym schedule (7:55-8:10 am)

Feb. 24-28: Grade 5 students are invited to participate in activities in the gym during this time

 Grade 5 floor hockey intramurals

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Jump Rope for Heart

On Wednesday, we had a presentation from the Heart and Stroke Foundation regarding the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser.  

Please return any donations in the envelope provided by Wednesday, February 26. 

Last week we started our jump rope unit. We focused on individual skipping and were challenged to try some different tricks (e.g., skier, bell, straddle, straddle cross, cross over, backward skipping, one leg, double under). This coming week we will also begin partner skipping activities. It is amazing to see how much students have improved in just one week!  

Soft entry morning gym time (7:55-8:10 am) for  Feb. 10-12: Grade 3/4/5 skipping club

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020

We have been learning about the sport of curling and some of the terms used (e.g., rock, skip, house, button). Our school is fortunate to have floor curling equipment and we had a great time curling in our gym this past week!

Soft entry gym schedule for Feb. 3-7 (7:55-8:10 am):
Grade 1 students are invited to participate in activities in the gym during this time.

On Wednesday, Feb. 5 we will have a Jump Rope for Heart kick-off assembly. Students will bring home information about this fundraiser later this week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Goal Setting Students at PHS will be working on goal setting over the next few weeks. Some classes have decided to focus on health, well-...