Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday, Jan. 26, 2020

Last week we had circuit fitness stations. Students performed exercises at each station for approximately 45 seconds, rested for 15 seconds and then moved to the next station.

Feel free to ask your child about the following exercises:
-Super kids
-Bench steps or hops
-Wall push-ups
-Ladder running or jumping
-Bouncy balls
-1 foot balance

Soft entry morning schedule (7:55-8:10 am): Grade 2 students are invited to participate in activities in the gym during this time

This coming week we will be floor curling!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Friday, Jan. 17, 2020

Some highlights from our week!

Students had the opportunity to move on a large interactive floor map of Canada.

The 2-D version of a “Rubiks Cube” relay game.

Tower building relay game

Soft entry gym schedule (7:55-8:10 am)
Jan. 20-24- Grade 3 students are invited to participate in movement activities during this time.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Welcome back and Happy New Year!
This past week, students played some games which help build executive functioning skills. Teams of students had to run (or jump, hop, etc.) to a mat and flip over 2 cards, dominos, or puzzle pieces. They had to look for matches before running back and tagging their next teammate.

The following link gives some more information on executive functioning:

This week, each class will have the opportunity to explore a gigantic interactive floor map of Canada. (Stay tuned for pictures!)

Soft entry morning gym schedule (7:55-8:10am)
(Jan. 6-10- Grade 5)
Jan. 13-17- Grade 4
Jan. 20-24- Grade 3
Jan. 27-31- Grade 2
Feb. 3-7- Grade 1

Feb. 10-27: Morning skipping clubs (details provided closer to that time)

Cold Weather
Intramurals at lunch will be cancelled on days where it is too cold for students to go outside because lunchroom uses this space during that time. I will try to make up missed intramural days and will let students know when activities are rescheduled.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Goal Setting Students at PHS will be working on goal setting over the next few weeks. Some classes have decided to focus on health, well-...