Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Welcome back from spring break! I'm sure this spring break will be one to remember. I really miss all of your energy and enthusiasm during physical education! Your teachers are busy learning and preparing to go online. 

It is super important to continue to stay active. Besides keeping us healthy and strong, physical activity can also have a positive impact on your mood and your sleep.

My favourite activity this past week has been going outside for walk because I almost always feel better after it. (My 6 year old niece told me that walking is boring, so the important thing is to find an activity that you enjoy!)

Workouts for Kids 
The BOKS program hosts live activity/workout sessions for kids and families which require no equipment and can be performed at home. These run at 10 am our time (12 pm EST). They also have at home activity packs and a fitness calendar which can be downloaded for free.


Facebook live workouts:

Please feel free to email me (lcbain@cbe.ab.ca) ideas or ways your family enjoys staying active so these can be shared with others.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday, March 19

Week of March 9-13
We began our gymnastics unit with mats. This week we covered:
-gymnastics rules
-safety landings
-ways to fall forward and backward so we don't get injured
-locomotor movements and animal walks

This was supposed to be the plan for the week of Mar. 16-19.

The teachers at PHS were also looking forward to showing off some of our gymnastic skills. I will see if I can get the videos to work and post them here. We'll settle for a picture for now. 

PHS teachers trying an adult gymnastics class (back at the beginning of February!)
Low bar- Ms. Costello
High bar- Ms. Kreze
Floor- Ms. Bain and Ms. Alberati

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Sunday, March 8, 2020

This past week we worked on striking skills using balloons. Students also practiced their coordination and timing by trying to keep the balloon in the air using their hands, feet, elbows, knees and while lying on the floor and crab walking!

This coming week we will be starting our gymnastics unit. An email was sent out via school messenger with additional information about this unit.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

This week, grade 1 and 2 students are using the Scoops and Balls. They are working on picking up the ball with the scoop (instead of with their hands) and throwing and catching skills both individually and with a partner.
Image result for picture of scoops and balls
Grade 3-5 students have started to work on some volleyball skills like the forearm pass.

Jump Rope for Heart
Thank you for supporting this fundraiser! Please return your Jump Rope envelopes with any donations this week.

Soft entry gym schedule (7:55-8:10 am)
March 2-6: Grade 4 students are invited to participate in activities during this time

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Goal Setting Students at PHS will be working on goal setting over the next few weeks. Some classes have decided to focus on health, well-...