Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020


I am currently supporting classrooms with literacy activities, but I will continue to update my blog on a regular (weekly) basis.

Video of Panorama Hills School teachers doing gymnastics (this was also posted to the google classrooms):

This is a challenging and stressful time for all of us and changes in routine can be hard on students. The following video was made for students and it talks about why we might lose control of our emotions:

Movement ideas:
For the hockey fans, Connor McDavid has some workouts posted:

The Active for Life website has ideas for songs for a family dance party:

I Like to Move It Song from the movie Madagascar:

It looks like we have some decent weather in store for us (finally!) Hope everyone can enjoy some safe physical activity outside (walking, biking, scooters, jump rope, inline skating, etc.) over the coming weeks!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6, 2020

Hello Panorama Hills Students!

What is physical and health literacy? Pick one of the videos below to find out more! (Then make sure you go do something active!) 

Introduction to Physical and Health Literacy- This is a short video (about 3 minutes) for kids 4-9 years old:

Exploring Physical and Health Literacy- Short video (about 3 minutes) for kids 8-13 years old:

Did you know?
Only 7% of Canadian children and youth get the recommended 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least six days a week.
(Taken from the Heart and Stroke foundation website)

Panorama Hills School
I want to hear about the different ways you are staying active! What are your favourite activities? Are you going outside? Do you have a favourite dance or exercise video? I would like to hear different ideas from the experts (you!) so I can make a list of ideas that other students might enjoy as well! You can email me (Ms. Bain) your ideas at, or you can write your ideas under the Physical Education section on your google classroom.

Thanks for reading the Physical Education blog!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Goal Setting Students at PHS will be working on goal setting over the next few weeks. Some classes have decided to focus on health, well-...